Simple Promise™

Will this new weight-loss discovery from the ocean
around Japan end the need for exercise and strict diets?

A New Weight-Loss Secret so
Powerful, any Woman can Use it to “Drain” Pounds of Stubborn Fat

From her belly, arms, neck, rear end and
thighs with NO crazy diets or exercise.

This simple 15-second ritual has already changed the lives of 47,384 other women and it will also make YOU slimmer and sexier, fast.

Misaki Kato* *, 54, is an office manager in Japan who eats over 3,000 calories a day.

Enjoys lots of carbs and sugar and does NO exercise at all.

Yet at 5’3 and 124 pounds... Misaki is as slim and sexy as women 20 and 30 years younger than her.

Now you might think Misaki is some sort of special case.

But the truth is...

This is Very Common
for Japanese Women.

So what’s their secret?

Well, it was recently (and accidentally) discovered by a group of marine biologists.

You see…

They found out that Japanese women eat a certain food that contains an ingredient that speeds up the internal cellular metabolism rate inside fat cells.

I Know it Sounds Hard
to Believe Now, But Here are the Scientifically Proven Facts:

This metabolism miracle is an all natural nutrient derived from a special seaweed found in Japanese seas and other ocean waters.

Scientists call this fat-burning nutrient “running in a pill” because it increases your metabolism as if you’ve run mile after mile after mile after mile. (Even if you just sit on the couch.)

And get this…

Studies show that it burns off the fat you already have stored in your body.

And it burns all the new fat that enters your body from those delicious foods you are going to want to eat like...

Cake and ice cream.

This Means an Entirely
New and Better Slimmer Life for
You just Weeks From Now

With no crazy diet or exercise needed.

This “running in a pill” nutrient works for even the toughest weight loss cases.

Those men and women who have tried diet after diet and failed for many years and have all but given up hope.

I should know…

Because I was one of them.

Now I’m going to reveal the name of this ingredient found in Japanese seaweed in just a minute.

Where I’ll also walk you through the studies so you can see for yourself just how miraculous this is.

But first…

I want to share a very personal story with you about how this seaweed ingredient changed my life forever.

Hello, My Name is Kathy Ambrose.* *

I’m a single mother of two from Green Bay, Wisconsin.

I'm about to tell you a painful story.

It's very embarrassing, but God has given me the strength to do so.

Because it accidentally led me to a Japanese weight-loss miracle.

An amazing new discovery of a “Fat-Cell Eliminator” that is the ONLY solution I know of.

For a little-known condition that overweight women like us, above the age of 35, suffer from.

And it has Taken 74 Pounds
of Ugly and Depressing Fat Off My Belly, Thighs, Butt, Face and Arms.

Yes, 74 pounds gone.

And it has burned off 30, 60, 90 pounds and more, from 47,384 other women just like you and me.

And it will quickly burn off YOUR FAT once and for all WITHOUT any crazy diets or exercise.

In fact, the beauty is that you can still eat your favorite forbidden foods, snacks and treats.

Now, I know you are excited when you hear this, but you are also skeptical...

And I totally get that — because I was very skeptical too, when I first heard about this diet secret.

Just Like the Thousands
of Women Who’ve Tried It.

Here’s Roseanne Plemish, who said:

“Lost 48 pounds so far, with your simple home weight-loss secret...”

“I lost 48 pounds so far, with your simple home weight-loss secret and I’m still eating my favorite foods and treats.

Bless you for this discovery because I was about to give up on ever losing weight after I had failed on everything before this.

I call this ‘My Miracle’.”

- Roseanne Plemish, Utah (62)

And Katherine, who wrote:

“My family is so proud I lost 50 pounds!”

“Last night, my husband and kids took me to Outback Steakhouse because they said they were so proud of me for losing over 50 pounds.

It felt so good to get his love, and approval from my family. Please don’t ever stop sharing this secret.”

- Katherine Bettencourt, Oklahoma (45)

And let’s not forget Cindy! She said:

“I’ve been a diet failure for 20 years,
but not anymore!”

“I’ve been a diet failure for the past 20 years, but not anymore!

I feel so much more energetic and so much younger.

I have already lost 62 pounds, and this is the fastest, and most important—this is the easiest way I have ever lost weight because I am not miserable, because I can still eat the foods I love with this secret.”

- Cindy Amperin, Kansas

This 15-Second-a-Day Natural
Fat-Cell Eliminator is Totally Different From Anything You’ve Ever Heard
of or Tried Before.

It takes even the slowest metabolism and speeds it up.

Burning off fat in an entirely new and different way — as if you’ve run mile after mile after mile...

Except you do NOT have to do any running at all.

This 15-second-a-day Fat-Cell Eliminator flies in the face of what the weight-loss industry has been telling you for years.

And that tells you it must be a real breakthrough, that it works...

Because all those crooks have done is rip you off and take your hard-earned money.

If You Want Proof...

The science behind this is proven and the findings are confirmed in double-blind, placebo-controlled studies done by the world's top research scientists.

And it’s all published in the world-famous Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology.1

It works for any woman aged 35 or older.

Even those who have tried virtually every type of diet, exercise plan and gimmick in the past but failed to achieve and maintain the weight loss they wanted.

Genetics doesn’t matter
Appetite doesn't matter
And it works great, even if you have a large appetite and a slow metabolism.

I’ve always loved to eat, and I’ve always had a big appetite and a slow metabolism, plus fat genes run in my family.

This Solution Sucked 74 Pounds
Off Me the Way a Powerful Vacuum Cleaner Sucks Dirt Off a Carpet

Please turn off your phone and
other distractions, and read this page now
while it is still free and not shut down.

Because I’m going to show you:

  • The shocking reason you have NEVER heard of, for why all your previous attempts to lose weight have NOT worked for you.
  • Why giving up your favorite treats, desserts and comfort foods is actually A BAD IDEA, if you want to lose weight for good.
  • How a small-town church minister and an exchange student from Japan led me to the secret to losing 74 pounds, without giving up my favorite foods and treats.
  • And the ingredient that acts like a “fat vacuum” to suck up your unwanted fat, and give you a much slimmer belly, in only days from today.

Hello again, my name is Kathy Ambrose.

And this Crazy Journey All Started
at My Friend's Birthday Party...

When I sat down and broke that chair in front
of my friends, family, neighbors, and the man I desperately wanted to date.

That was a real lousy point in my life.

My self-esteem and self-confidence sank to an all-time low.

There I was, a hard-working single mom, proud mother of two great kids…

But broken, and ashamed of myself.

What was wrong with me?

Why couldn’t I be like other women I knew — like my friend Kim who ate what they wanted and stayed slim?

I Felt Ashamed of Myself
for My Lack of Weight Control.

The feeling of not being a worthy woman constantly gnawed at me and it got even worse…

On a beautiful Wednesday morning, before going out to catch his school bus, my son Jacob looked at me with his beautiful brown eyes.

With a sad look on his face, he said:

“Mom, can you lose weight so I don’t get teased by the kids in school about how fat you are?”

That Broke My Heart
into a Million Pieces.

I hated causing pain and stress to
my son because of my weight.

I was so depressed when he said that to me.

I loathed myself for my weight every day and night.

  • I had to get out of that daily nightmare and hellhole of being heavy and feeling like crap about myself
  • I had to break free from that prison of looking down and seeing rolls of fat hanging over my belly
  • I had to become a new person who was no longer shackled in chains of guilt, shame and worthlessness.

I was so sick of needing painful shapewear that squeezed my fat, and tired of wearing ugly baggy clothes to hide my jiggly rolls.

I wanted to stop feeling depressed around other people because they were thinner than I was.

I wanted a new life, free from my weightloss problems and all the misery they caused me.

How About YOU…

Do you ever feel like I did?

Before I lost 74 pounds with this home
weight-loss secret...

I was very skeptical that anything could give me significant weight loss without making me go on a miserable diet and keep the weight off after I’d lost it.

I’m sure you’re just as skeptical as I was.

You see—again, probably a lot like you—I had tried tons and tons of different ways to lose weight.

You name it, and there’s a good chance I’ve tried it:

Noom, Goji, Keto, Paleo, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Soul Cycle, low-carb/low-calorie/low-fat diets, intermittent fasting, cleansing, detoxing... and more.

Did any of these work?

With most of them, I lost some weight at first, and I’d get excited that maybe they’d do the trick.

But then I Couldn’t Stick
to Them Because I had to
Give Up My Favorite Foods

And I was distressed, cranky, tired, bored and unhappy.

So I stopped doing them, gained back the weight I’d lost, and usually put on some more weight too.

After I’d broken the chair, I tried another diet but that failed too.

I was at the end of my rope by then.

I felt hopeless.

Like I was NEVER going to escape the pains and hurts of being overweight.

At that Point, I Think
God Almighty Intervened.

I remember getting the urge to read the Bible.

I prayed and prayed for God to give me the answer to losing my extra weight once and for all...

Without me being miserable, and having to give up my favorite foods or take on a time-consuming exercise routine.

2 days later, after our Sunday church service...

My 2 kids and I were helping to serve our church’s regular Sunday pancake breakfast when I noticed our minister looking unusually happy.

“Minister Joe,” I said,

“You seem extra happy today. Why?”

He then Told Me Our Church
had Just Been Accepted into a Program that Hosted Foreign
College Exchange Students.

He said he had gotten an email informing him that our church’s exchange student was a 21-year-old from Japan who would be arriving in two weeks.

This exchange student would stay with 4 families in our district for two weeks each.

Minister Joe was so excited about this opportunity to share our faith with a person from another country.

Anyway, I asked him if my family could be one of the families that would host this exchange student from Japan.

Minister Joe enthusiastically agreed—in fact, he was going to recommend my family.

I talked to my children and they were excited about it like I knew they would be.

So we filled out the application, breezed through the scrutiny, and a little over two weeks later, this 21-year-old college student from Japan was driven to our home.

This has EVERYTHING to Do
with Me and YOU Losing Weight,
so Stick with Me for Just a Moment, and You’ll Learn Why...

The exchange student's name was Sakura.* * *

She was from Yokohama, Japan, had perfect grades and was at the top of her college class year.

She spoke fluent English, and wanted to go to medical school at Harvard or Yale and become a pediatrician.

Sakura was soft-spoken, kind, friendly, and a good conversationalist.

My kids liked her immediately, and so did I.

At dinner, I mentioned something about the food we were eating, and how i needed to lost weight.

She said her mom used to be overweight too (which by the way, is unusual in an asian country such as Japan).

And that she too had been overweigh all her young life, up unil recently.

Then Sakura told me the story of how her mom had discovered a fat-cell eliminator diet secret...

That Made Her Lose
63 pounds, and Changed Her Life

And how this same fat-cell eliminator made Sakura lose 41 pounds, and keep them off too.

It all happened at Sakura’s family reunion a couple of years ago.

Sakura’s mom had met up with her 2nd cousin whom she hadn’t seen in a few years...

And marvelled at how great she looked—this cousin had lost over 70 pounds.

Of course, Sakura’s mom wanted to know how she had lost so much weight.

The cousin told her a new Fat-Cell Eliminator that automatically takes off excess fat had just been discovered in Japan.

Now I’m Going to Tell You
What it is, How it Works, and
How You can Use it to Quickly
Lose All the Ugly Fat You Want

While still eating your favorite foods, treats and goodies.

Sakura first told me something I already knew:

As you get older, it gets harder and harder to be slim.

Your metabolism slows down to a crawl.

Weight sticks to you like super glue, right?

It seems like if you even just LOOK AT a piece of chocolate cake, you gain a pound.

You and I know our metabolism slows down as we age, and leading institutions like Harvard* * * and Yale* * * have even confirmed this.

So that’s the problem…

It's called the Mature Metabolism Condition, or MMC.

And as you know, it is very, very frustrating, isn’t it?

Up until now, women over 35 who wanted to overcome this and lose weight had to either go on a drastic diet.

Which—let’s face it—makes anyone miserable and is impossible to stick to.

Or they had to run mile after mile after mile after mile.

But that’s not practical either.

You can’t run endless miles because you have a job, duties to fulfill, a family, and all the other things in your busy life that take up your time.

You don’t have all that extra time to spend running, and even if you did, what important things would you be neglecting in your life?

It just doesn’t work.

So You are Caught
in a No-Win Situation

You want to be thinner and sexier and healthier, you’ve tried everything but there hasn’t been a good and realistic way to do it…

That is, until now:

  • Because this discovery is something so radically new and different and exciting that it will forever change the weight-loss situation for you.
  • Because it speeds up the internal cellular metabolism rate inside your fat cells which is the same thing that happens if you run mile after mile after mile.

I Know it Sounds Hard to Believe Now...

But here are the scientific facts:

A group of marine biologists in Japan recently discovered a nutrient in the ocean that does something scientists had thought was impossible.

It triggers the burning of your white body fat...

Without producing stimulating effects that make you nervous and give you the jitters, and can be dangerous to your heart as well as keep you from sleeping. 2

Let me explain.

Fat-Blasting Ingredient #1: Fucoxanthin

The natural nutrient I’m talking about is Fucoxanthin.

This is NOT the similar-sounding Astaxanthin that you may have heard of and has nothing to do with that.

It is an all-natural nutrient derived from a special seaweed found in Japanese seas and other ocean waters.

Sakura told me scientists call this fat-burning nutrient “running in a pill” because it increases your metabolism.

As if you’ve run mile after mile after mile after mile.

It increases fat-burning metabolism in your body by activating a special cellular protein called mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (or UCP1).

And this works to remove fat from your body in a quick and safe manner.

Has it Been Proven
to Work in Studies?

It sure has!

In a study:

Japanese scientists fed a diet of this to a group of subjects who showed significant weight loss, while the group fed a regular diet showed no weight loss at all!3

And it gets even better.

Ok, so it burns off existing fat...

But what about new fat that enters your body from those delicious foods that everyone, including me and you, is going to want to eat, like...

Cake and Ice cream?

Well, that’s where the news gets even better.

That’s because these same researchers in Japan then turned their attention from this “running in a pill” nutrient to the formation of new fat cells.

What They Found, Shocked Even these Experienced Researchers.

You see, this nutrient prevents new fat cells from “growing up” and turning into mature fat cells.

In other words, it stops fat dead in its tracks.

It does this by reducing the growth of new blood vessels in fat tissue, which blocks development of new fat stores. 4

So here’s what this means...

Now you will have the perfect 1–2 combination from this natural “running in a pill” weight-loss ingredient that:

  • Gets rid of existing stored fat in your body, and...
  • Stops the accumulation of new fat in your body.

Super exciting, isn’t it?

This means an entirely new and better life for a slimmer you with no more of the currently problems you have from being overweight.

And to make sure that the “running in a pill” nutrient works for even the toughest weight-loss cases...

Those men and women who have tried diet after diet, failed for many years, and have all but given up hope...

The Research Scientists at the Japanese Company Added a Second Powerhouse Ingredient to Their Weight-Loss Formula.

Fat-Blasting Ingredient #2: Paradoxine

This second ingredient is referred to as “the fat-vacuum nutrient”.

And it is an official US and internationally-patented extract named Paradoxine®.

“The Fat-Vacuum Nutrient”
is a Real Powerhouse.

Many say it's like a vacuum cleaner, sucking fat off their bodies morning, noon and night, even as they continue to eat the foods they love.

What it does is increase the levels of BAT (brown adipose tissue), a type of body fat that is associated with rapid weight loss…

And even better, it gives you the power to keep and maintain your slimmer and sexier body every day of the year.

In a published study, some women were divided into two groups.

One — the treatment group received “the fat-vacuum nutrient”, while the other group received a placebo.

At the end of the four-week trial, the women had their body fat measured again.

The women who received the nutrient had significantly LESS visceral and belly fat, while the placebo group had MORE belly fat.

The important thing to note here is that these results were obtained with no extra diet or exercise!5 6

Sakura Told Me this Formula From Japan Contained BOTH of these Powerful Weight-Loss Ingredients...

As well as additional ingredients proven to burn fat.

  • Soon after Sakura’s mom started taking it, she rapidly lost 20 pounds…
  • Afterwards, she plateaued at a
    35-pound weight loss for five days, then went on to quickly lose 63 pounds, and keep them off with no problem.

Seeing the results her mom got first-hand, Sakura also started taking the formula.

Like her mother, the fat began to melt off her body right away; almost like magic.

Without any special diet or exercise...

Sakura was soon a remarkable 41 pounds lighter, and she has maintained that weight loss up to today.

After Hearing First-Hand About Their Jaw-Dropping Weight Loss...

I, of course, asked Sakura if there was any way that I could get this formula from Japan and take it myself.

Sakura sighed.

I did not feel hopeful from the grim look on her face.

She said,

“Everyone wants it, but almost nobody can get it.”

Sakura told me not to get my hopes up, but she had a telephone call scheduled with her mom the next day.

She would ask her mom if there was any way she could get the formula and ship it to me in America, and she would let me know what her mom said.

The Next Day When I Got Home from Work, Sakura Greeted Me at the Door with a Big Smile.

Sakura had talked to her mom.

She was very grateful to me for hosting Sakura at my house as part of the cultural exchange program...

So she had called her cousin and asked if she could get any more of the amazing formula.

The cousin said yes, and I think the reason I got it was that I was helping out someone from Japan.

Anyway, I arranged payment and about a week later, a UPS package arrived on my doorstep with the formula from Japan.

I was excited to take it...

But I was also nervous and apprehensive because so many weight-loss things had sounded good in the past but failed to work for me.

I knew that if this didn't work, then I really was a hopeless case.

I said a long prayer for this formula to finally be my answer, and took my first dosage with a glass of water.

After the first day, I had not lost a single pound.

I thought to myself,

“Oh great, here I go again—I’m the only person in the world this formula doesn’t burn off fat for.”

But When I Stepped on the Scale on the Second Day, I Almost Passed Out When I Looked Down…

I had lost 4 pounds after 2 days.

“Ok, maybe there’s a mistake.” I thought.

“Or it's just luck, and it's still a fluke…”

But the number on the scale kept dropping and dropping before my shocked eyes each day:














And today—over a year later—I am still at only 140 pounds.

So I went from 214 pounds down to 140 pounds for a total weight loss of 74 pounds!

And the beauty is...

I did this while I still
ate my Reese’s peanut butter cups
My Ben & Jerry’s cookies and cream ice cream
My Angelo’s pepperoni pizza, and all my other favorite foods.

With NO Extra Exercise and I had No Jitters or Side Effects at All!

My family and friends were shocked to see me get slimmer and slimmer, week by week.

My coworkers started asking what diet I was on.

They wanted to know how I was losing weight so fast and how I could be so happy while I was dropping weight so quickly.

Well, I finally told them my secret was this brand-new supplement from Japan and I shared the whole story behind it with them.

Needless to say, these women (and men too) all told me they would give an arm and a leg if I could get this supplement for them to take too.

And said they would pay almost any price...

But I could not.

It was only made and sold in Japan, and that was over 6,300 miles across the ocean.

They were really bummed out.

They asked me for it every day,
and my answer was always:

“I wish it was for sale here,
but it can only be found in Japan.”

Again, Everyone Wanted it,
But Nobody Could Get it.

When I told Sakura this, she said she would ask her mom during their next phone call if it was available anywhere in America.

She did, and her mom called her cousin, who knew someone in the company.

And as luck would have it, the company was just about to expand their sales internationally.

Which meant that soon...

This incredible weight-loss supplement would be available in the United States.

When I told my coworkers and friends this the next day at work, they high-fived and congratulated me like I was some kind of hero!

So anyway...

It was Available for Sale Online in the United States About a Month Later.

My coworkers and friends ordered it
immediately, and they experienced substantial
and fast weight-loss results.

People like…

Mary Ann, 54

Who dropped 32 pounds in only five weeks without forgoing the fattening foods she enjoyed.

Katherine, 48

Who not only lost 43 pounds of stubborn fat she hadn’t been able to get rid of since the birth of her last child, but was told by her doctor that her blood pressure had dropped so much that she could stop taking her prescription drug.

Jodie, 45

And recently divorced, who shed a quick 41 pounds and met the man of her dreams, they are already talking about getting married!

I could Go On and On About the Success Stories of People Who could Never Lose Weight or Keep it Off Before They Tried This…

And soon, their success will be YOURS TOO.

In fact, I even fully guarantee it or else the supplement is YOURS, ABSOLUTELY FREE.

  • So get ready to have a tight and flat belly soon.
  • Fit into your skinny jeans again and imagine what your friends will say when they see those jeans on you.
  • Then imagine what that one certain man will say, when he sees your sexy rear end in those skinny jeans.

Anyway, for the American market...

They named this supplement
the hokey and very direct name of…


Personally, I don’t like it...

But who really cares about the name when the product is a weight-loss superstar that does make your belly slim, very fast. 😃

So by now, you are probably wondering:

  • How do I get my own supply of BellySlim-XT™ right away?
  • How much is it and what is the
    money-back guarantee?

I first want to make sure you know this is NOT—I repeat—NOT sold anywhere else, except right here on this online page.

It is NOT sold in any store, on Amazon or on any other website.

It sells out fast, and there are only limited supplies available.

And this isn’t a marketing gimmick or anything like that...

It’s God’s honest truth.

You see...

BellySlim-XT is Made in a
GMP-Certified Facility and Each
Batch is Tested By an Independent Third-Party Laboratory…

To ensure that what's seen on the
bottle is what's found on the inside.

BellySlim-XT™ also contains NO GMOs, gluten, sugar, starch, salt, wheat, corn, yeast, soy derivatives, lactose or coloring.

The nutrients in this product are neither cheap nor easy to find.

Even the key ingredient comes from Japanese waters over 6,300 miles away.

What’s more, the growing popularity of BellySlim-XT™ is putting a serious strain on production…

As thousands of people around the world are quickly snatching up this natural fat-eliminating marvel.

This Means Sell-Outs and
Out-of-Stocks are Already Common…

You see, the company can only produce a limited number of BellySlim-XT bottles at any given time.

And because BellySlim-XT™ works so well, customers keep reordering many bottles at a time.

And let’s not forget about the global supply chain issues...

Which make it even more difficult to keep BellySlim-XT™ in stock.

With that being said, though…

I also don’t want YOU or anyone else to continue to suffer from the emotional and physical pains of being overweight like I used to.

For even one day longer because I know
how it can make every day feel like a difficult struggle.

Especially when I’m confident this natural solution, BellySlim-XT™, will change your life and give you the slimmer body you dream about.

A drug-free product which you cannot get addicted to, and one that has no side effects…

Which is why, in just a moment…

I’m Going to Share How to
Get a Supply of BellySlim-XT
Today at a HUGE SAVINGS…

As part of the company’s
“Slim Down and Be Healthier” campaign.

But before that, you probably want to know:

How Much BellySlim-XT™ Should You Take Every Day?

This is actually very simple…

Just take 2 capsules a day at any time that is best for you.

That’s literally all you need to do!

Now, Here’s Why it’s
Important to Take BellySlim-XT
for At Least 90 Days or More

The high-powered ingredients inside
BellySlim-XT will start to work immediately.

The benefits will appear inside your body from Day 1.

And the longer you use BellySlim-XT™, the more the nutrients will build up in your body which makes it even more effective.

So that’s why I recommend that you take BellySlim-XT™ for at least 90 days, and ideally, for longer.

And don’t just take my word for it.

Kelly Ann Wellington’s experience is a typical example.

She was 40 pounds overweight...

And frustrated that dieting and exercising were making her miserable with deprivation, moodiness and fatigue on top of not working that well for her.

The first day Kelly Ann took BellySlim-XT™, nothing happened.

She did NOT lose a single pound.

But She Kept Taking BellySlim-XT Faithfully, Every Day.

And as the nutrients built up in Kelly Ann’s body, everything changed…

Kelly Ann told me…

“It was like a vacuum cleaner was
sucking 2 or 3 pounds of fat off my body almost every single day.”

“Starting on the third day, it was like a vacuum cleaner was sucking 2 or 3 pounds of fat off my body almost every single day.

I was amazed it worked so good because I tried many products over the years and was always disappointed. Now I’ve lost 37 pounds already, and I have more energy.

My skin is clearer and people are telling me I
look younger.”

- Kelly Ann, Cape Coral

It’s for All of Those Reasons that I Personally Recommend Choosing at Least 3 Bottles of BellySlim-XT
(that’s a 3-Month Supply)

Or 6 bottles (a 6-Month Supply) for even bigger savings.

And so you don’t run out or risk BellySlim-XT™ being sold out, and you can’t get any at all.

Please remember, BellySlim-XT™ is NOT available on Amazon or any other website.

It is available ONLY on this website.

Now, here’s the huge discount savings I mentioned before:

Normally, BellySlim-XT™ retails for $99 for a 1-month supply.

And when you consider how much joy, happiness and self-confidence you will have from not being overweight anymore is worth to you...
How many hours of extra newfound time you will have every week to get more things done and to make more money…
And how much
money you will save in healthcare costs...

$99 would be a very fair price.

But Right Now, and
Through This Website Only...

As a new customer, you can get
BellySlim-XT today at a huge discount.

Unlike some conventional solutions…

BellySlim-XT™ is non-habit forming, and it won’t get you keyed up, give you the jitters or raise your blood pressure which is a huge relief to so many customers.

On top of all that...

BellySlim-XT doesn’t come with the nasty side effects that accompany so much of modern medicine.

Which is absolutely HUGE!

Plus, there are all the benefits money can’t buy, like:

  • Waking up every morning with a huge burst of self-confidence, energy, and a positive, happy attitude and actually looking forward to each day.
  • Being slim, trim, healthy, and feeling good about your body.
  • Getting those desirous glances and compliments from your mate and members of the opposite sex.
  • Enjoying your favorite junk foods without having to worry about how they will affect you.

When you consider all of this…

$99 for a 1-month supply seems like a steal to me.

Yet, despite all of that…

I’ve Made Sure You will
NOT Pay Anywhere Close to
$99 for BellySlim-XT

That’s because like I said before,
I want to help as many people as possible.

And the company behind BellySlim-XT™ couldn’t agree more.

Which is why, when you click and order right now…

You will get your very own supply of
BellySlim-XT™ for a one-time investment of just $69 for a 1-month supply.

Which gives you a savings of $30.

That’s more than 30% off the regular price of $99!

And that’s just the beginning.

I realize that many people may want to keep taking BellySlim-XT™ for a while…

And the Fact that There Really are Limited Supplies Available…

I can understand why they’d want to stock up on 3 or 6 bottles of BellySlim-XT today.

It’s for this reason that our team has created a substantially-discounted multi-bottle plan.

That lets folks stock up and save big on 6 bottles of BellySlim-XT™ for just $33 per bottle.

That is only a little over a dollar a day!

Which is a huge savings of $396 when you order right now.

But this special discount is only being guaranteed today, and only through this website.

As part of the company’s “Slim Down and Be Healthier” campaign.

And just for today, they are going to give you FREE shipping and handling which is a $9.95 value.

Remember, both the discount and the free shipping are only available today and only while supplies last.

So Choose the 6-Bottle Package
(or Any Other Package
that’s Right for You) Below

And secure an order today
while there are supplies in stock!

Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle

After Choosing a Package…

You will be redirected to a 100%
secure and encrypted checkout page.

There is nothing to worry about here because the company uses the highest level of encrypted Internet technology for the safety and security of your credit card information.

This is the same security system that, and the world's biggest banks use on their websites.

There’s a simple order form to fill out and after that…

Your order of BellySlim-XT™ will be shipped to you.

If you live in the United States, it will arrive within 5 to 7 business days.

So Looking at the Facts…

This is one of the smallest, yet smartest, investments you will ever make for your health.

Something that will burn your fat off quickly and give you a new life with more confidence, happiness and energy every day.

So that you will start living your best life again…

The life that you were MEANT to be living.

  • A single bottle of BellySlim-XT™ puts you on the path to the life you want, naturally.
  • 3 bottles guarantee you can keep taking
    BellySlim-XT™ without interruption.
  • And with 6 bottles of BellySlim-XT™, you will be taking the best step to enjoying your ultimate life for many years to come.

So Go Ahead and Choose a
BellySlim-XT Package Now While there are Still Supplies in Stock…

And enjoy the peace of mind that comes with supporting your health today!

Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle

Are you skeptical or hesitant?

Well, you don’t have to be because...

Your Investment Today is Also
Covered by a 12-Month,
100% Money-Back GUARANTEE

That’s right, you don’t risk a dime in ordering today.

365 Days Money Back Guarantee

At Simple Promise™, we are so sure of the effectiveness of our product that we are willing to put the entire risk on us.

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee states that either you're 100% satisfied, or your money back.

You can place your order safely and knowing that absolutely nothing can go wrong. Give BellySlim-XT™ a try and see the difference it would bring to your life.

If at any time you are not happy with BellySlim-XT™, just send back your empty bottles and we will refund you immediately.

No questions asked.

We pride ourselves in our product and service and want you to be absolutely satisfied.

Here’s How it Works:

Right now, just place your order and when you do,
you are saying “maybe”.

Then, once you get your bottles of BellySlim-XT™ in a few short days from now…

Start taking it and the fun will begin.

As you watch in utter shock and delight, how much your weight drops day after day—even as you keep eating your favorite foods, goodies, and treats.

If you’re like any of BellySlim-XT™’s loyal customers…

You will fall in love with what BellySlim-XT™ does for you!

And there is ZERO Risk for
You Because of Our Guarantee

If, for some reason,
BellySlim-XT isn’t working great for you...

Just call or email our 24/7 US-based customer service team and they’ll send you a full refund immediately.

No questions. No hassle.

You will not be out one single dime.

Could anything be fairer?

This means there’s no downside at all for you right now.

It’s a 100% risk-free investment that comes with guaranteed benefits for you and there’s a full 12 Months to see if BellySlim-XT™ is right for you.

So go ahead, click to try BellySlim-XT™ risk-free now.

And choose from one of the package options below to get the lowest-ever prices that are guaranteed for you ONLY TODAY.

  • Say “YES” to overcoming your weight-loss struggles.
  • And “YES” to living a happier, healthier and better life, like the thousands of people who’ve tried BellySlim-XT™.

YES! it’s Time to Put My
Weight “Under New Management”.

And secure my supply of BellySlim-XT now!

Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle

But that’s not all…

Because if you take action today, and get BellySlim-XT™…

Because if You Take Action
Today, and Get BellySlim-XT

You’ll also get these 3 FREE bonuses.

After helping thousands of people transform their bodies…

I’ve learned that when you can SEE and FEEL your progress, it means your results are going through the roof.

To help you start experiencing this, and to get the most out of BellySlim-XT™, I’m excited to offer you these FREE bonuses.

They include:

Bonus #1:

BellySlim-XT Fast-Track Program:
Drop up to 20 pounds in 14 days—100% safe!
($47 Value)

Do you want to “shock” your friends and family members with your transformation?

You’ll get everything you need to know in this guide.

You’ll discover:

  • The easiest and fastest way to drop 5,10, or even 20 pounds in 14 days (or less).
  • The 16:8 Protocol that turns your body into a fat-burning machine while you eat your favorite food.

Hate exercising?

Don’t worry — the BellySlim-XT™ Fast-Track Program won't make you sweat to burn belly fat!

This program is not a replacement for taking BellySlim-XT™.

It is just something that will help you jumpstart your weight-loss journey.

This product is valued at $47 and it’s yours, absolutely free.

You can download it in the next 30 seconds, when you order BellySlim-XT™ right now.

But that’s not all…

For those who love food...

I’m also going to include a second free gift:

Bonus #2:

30 Late-Night "Waist-Shrinker" Snacks
($27 Value)

One of the reasons people gain weight is because they get hungry late at night.

So they end up snacking on chips, chocolates and other junk food.

That’s why I’m including this bonus list:

  • 30 Late-Night “Waist-Shrinker” Snacks!

Imagine if you could eat rich and delicious snacks and still lose weight.

That’s exactly what you’re getting in this free report.

These healthy and yummy snack ideas are recommended by expert dietitians, and they're very easy for you to make at home.

And it gets even better, because you’ll also get:

Bonus #3:

STOP Age-Related Weight Gain Guide
($37 Value)

How much weight have you gained over the years?

20, 35, 50 pounds?

Many people put on weight as they get older, but it doesn't have to be that way.

Because in this guide, you’re going to discover:

  • The shocking reason why we gain weight as we get older…
    (It’s not your genes or a natural part of aging)
  • Why your fat-burning metabolism slows down as you age... (Revealed in Chapter 2)
  • 5 simple fixes to combat age-related weight gain And much, much more.

And much, much more.

This entire report has a $37 value, and the only time you can access it is during this special promotion.

But I’d like to give it to you absolutely FREE today.

Because I know what it’s like to try to lose weight for months and even years.

I know how heartbreaking it can be to feel like nothing is working for you.

As you can see, I want to make sure you have everything you need to get the best possible results.

Again, I Recommend the 6-Bottle Option Because it Gives You the Best Deal with FREE Shipping

It’s enough to last you a while, in case we
run out and it’s risk-free because of our ONE-YEAR
100% money-back guarantee.

Choose your package below, and you’ll go straight to our 100% secure online order form where you can finalize your order and tell us where to ship it.

Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle

It’s Your Chance Today to Join the Thousands of Others Who have Changed their Lives with BellySlim-XT

Margaret Stanzwecki from Rochester was floored by the results:

“I lost more weight with BellySlim-XT than my friend did with gastric bypass surgery”

“BellySlim-XT™ burned 54 pounds of fat off me, which is more than my friend Jennifer who had gastric bypass surgery.

Thank you for such an incredible natural product.”

- Margaret Stanzwecki, Rochester NY

Mike shared:

“Finally got my flat belly back, like when I was younger!”

“At 62, I thought my metabolism was way too slow for any supplement to work for me, but I was happily proven wrong.

I was very skeptical, but I’m so glad I tried BellySlim-XT™ because I finally got my flat belly back, like when I was younger!”

- Mike Bonsingna, Nevada

Carla Strassburg from California wrote:

“My husband even said the other day that I look like his ‘hottie’ again.”

“I never ever write to a company about their products but I think God is making me send you this note.

I’m grateful. Thanks and appreciation for BellySlim-XT™.

After over 20 years of frustration with trying everything to lose weight in vain, this breakthrough took 49 and a half pounds off me.

My husband even said the other day that I look like his ‘hottie’ again.”

- Carla Strassburg, California

You’ve Seen Overwhelming
Proof From Leading Research Scientists and Medical Journals...

You will soon overcome the Mature Metabolism Condition (MMC) which is causing you to be overweight.

And unless you do this, you will probably NEVER lose weight, and keep it off, without being miserable.

And indeed...

All the other weight-loss methods you’ve tried in the past failed because they did NOT help you overcome this condition.

But BellySlim-XT™ is different, and will work for you.

Now it’s time to make a decision.

  • Please don’t ignore everything I’ve said, my friend.
  • Please don’t ignore the iron-clad proof I’ve shown you.

And continue to be a slave of “diet and exercise hell” and that unsightly ugly body fat, when you don’t have to anymore.

If You Put this Off, Nothing
will Get Better in Your Life.

And it’s obvious that something
must change for you right now.

Because a life of carrying all that excess weight on you…

Where you are always worried about a big
life-threatening health disaster happening because of your weight, and what it will mean…

Well, that’s no life at all.

Especially now that I’ve shared my story with you and told you how BellySlim-XT™ will give you the slim body you want.

Give you the energy level you want and deserve and give you the health you want to make your dreams come true.

That’s why I have made it very easy to say “YES” to BellySlim-XT™ right now.

So go ahead, and claim your order of BellySlim-XT™ by choosing from one of the packages below.

It’s a very smart decision...

Because your investment is protected by a 12-Month Money-Back Guarantee, which means there’s absolutely no risk.

So break free from frustration…

Choose a package right now and start living a better life.

YES! I Want to be Slimmer,
Sexier and Healthier…

By securing my supply of BellySlim-XT right now.

Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle

Still there?


That means you probably have a question I can answer.

So here are a few of the most common questions I get and my answers to them.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a great question.

  • It is for any woman over the age of 30 who wants to stop being overweight, and start enjoying a new, better and happier life of being slimmer, sexier and healthier.
  • It works for all women over 30, regardless of their appetite, metabolism or health problems; and regardless of how many diets, clinics and products that have failed to work for them in the past.

It does this by overcoming the Mature Metabolism Condition (MMC) which is the root cause of your being overweight, and the reason why NONE of your previous attempts to lose weight have worked for you in the past, for the long term.

This is the only, and first-ever-in-the-world formulation made for this purpose.

It includes the discovery — made in Japan by marine biologists—of the “running in a pill nutrient” and the “fat vacuum nutrient” that have been proven to work in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in the medical Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology.

BellySlim-XT™ is the only product in the world that includes the Fat-Cell Eliminator from the ocean floor of Japan, and other specially-formulated nutrients that:

  • 1. Get rid of existing stored fat in your body,
  • And 2. Stop the accumulation of new fat in your body.

Bad genetics don’t matter.

Previous failures don’t matter, even if you’d failed with 10, 20 or 30 products and procedures before.

These other products never had a chance of working because your body NEVER overcame the Mature Metabolism Condition (MMC).

I went over a few of them on this page.

Here is the full list of the ingredients:

For the best results, take 2 capsules daily with 6–8 ounces of water.

You’ll start feeling the fat-burning effects of BellySlim-XT™ almost immediately, and clinical studies show that the longer you use it, the more powerful your results will be.

Most people experience the BEST results between 4 and 6 months, which is why I recommend that you take FULL advantage of our generous guarantee and order the 6-bottle package (a 6-month supply).

It sounds silly, but we actually get this question a lot because of how often it happens.

If you lose weight too fast, we recommend taking 1 capsule of
BellySlim-XT™ a day instead of 2.

And as always, consult your doctor for any medical advice.

The ingredients in our formula are all from nature, so there shouldn’t be any issues.

However, please consult your doctor before introducing a new supplement to your system.

No. You do NOT risk any money at all.

You will receive an immediate 100% refund of every dime you paid, if you are not thrilled with the benefits you get from BellySlim-XT™.

You have an iron-clad 12-MONTH money-back guarantee, with no restrictions or fine print.


All you have to do is scroll down now and pick the 3 or 6 bottles package (or whichever is right for you)!

Just click the button to select the package you want, fill out your details on the following page, and you’re well on your way to finally getting the body of your dreams.

Remember, you’re covered by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

And when you choose the 6-bottle package today to take advantage of our “Invest More, Save More” Campaign, you only pay $33 per bottle.

But now we’re at the end of this page.

The only thing left for you to do is take action!

So Click the Button Below
to Select the Package You Want.

I can’t wait to see you on the other side.

Those are the most common questions I get about BellySlim-XT™.

Hopefully, your question was answered there.

But if you’re still wondering if it’s right for you…

The only way to find out now is to claim your desired package by clicking on the “Add To Cart” button, and completing your secure order.

Just Give It a Try

Isn’t it better to find out now,
rather than wonder "what if?" for the rest of your life?

Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle

You’ll Notice a
Difference in a Matter of Days.

And after a few weeks,
you will be blown away by your results.

When you shed the pounds, they will stay off this time.

That’s the power of getting your Mature Metabolism Condition, or MMC, under control.

  • You’ll also notice your mind is clearer... like you can focus again.
  • Everyone around you will notice this new you, how you’re more attentive towards those you care about.
  • They’ll notice how you walk into a room and command attention.
  • They will admire your confidence.

For some, this might take a day or two longer.

For others, it might be a week.

However, One Day, it Will Happen.

And on that day...

You’ll get your life back.

It might hit you in the middle of the day, when you least expect it.

You could be running errands, or working, or playing with your kids…

You’ll suddenly breathe slower, feel a quiet calm fall upon you, and realize:

“Everything is ok”.

You’ll tear up a little because it’s not a feeling you’ve had in a long time, where you’re in control.

That your life belongs to you, and you have the power to change it.

You’re no longer pounding your head against the wall, fighting against a weight problem you can’t seem to beat, no matter how or what you try.

You can Wear What You
Want Again, You can Have the
Body Shape You Want...

And you can stop worrying about all the weight-related diseases that are killing millions of Americans today.

And when you have that “moment”, you’ll also feel a rush of gratitude.

Knowing that you will now live longer, healthier; and be present for the ones you love:

Your children
Your grandchildren
Your spouse
Your friends

Until that moment…

A part of your body was literally being held hostage by your aging metabolism.

But no more.

Because in that “moment”, you’ll realize you’ve beaten it.

And that’s what I want for you.

I Want You to Experience that “Moment” as Soon as Possible.

So, go ahead and click the button below,
and pick from three money-saving options.

Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle

Remember, You’re Fully
Protected by Our 365-Day Guarantee

And you’ll love how BellySlim-XT will make you feel.

If you don’t notice a rapid and powerful awakening of your body, just give us a call or send us an email, and we’ll refund your purchase in full.

Don’t forget, you’re also getting these additional bonuses...

  • Our BellySlim-XT™ Fast-Track Program to drop up to 20 pounds in 14 days ($47 value)
  • The delicious list of 30 Late-Night "Waist-Shrinker" Snacks ($27 value)
  • The groundbreaking STOP Age-Related Weight Gain Guide ($37 value)

That’s an additional value of $111, ON TOP of the special discounted prices being offered through this website.

But it’s important to know that these special bonuses and discounts are available on THIS PAGE ONLY.

As part of a nationwide belly-slimming campaign we’re currently running.

And only TODAY, while supplies last.

You really have nothing to lose, and a thinner, leaner, healthier body to gain.

You’re Going to Love the
Way You Look and Feel.

Make it a great day, a BellySlim-XT day.

Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle





[] Source: Maeda H, Hosokawa M, Sashima T, et al. Fucoxanthin and its metabolite, fucoxanthinol, suppress adipocyte differentiation in 3T3-L1 cells. Int J Mol Med. 2006 Jul;18(1):147-52.

[] Source: Sugita J, Yoneshiro T, et al; “Daily ingestion of grains of paradise (Aframomum melegueta) extract increases whole-body energy expenditure and decreases visceral fat in humans”; Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology; 2014, 60(1): 2-27.
